
"Sea People" Album released August, 2023

Press and Reviews of Dylan Tauber’s album “Sea People

  1. Entire album played on Saipan Radio 100.3 KWAW 8/25/23
  2. AriyelsBlog.com 9/2/23
  3. European Indie Music Radio in over 40 countries, 9/2/23
  4. Jamesphere.com 9/7/23
  5. Broken 8 Records 9/4/23
  6. SinusoidalMusic.com 9/5/23
  7. SleepingBagStudios.ca 9/7/23
  8. TestingMelodies.com 9/6/23
  9. TJPL print magazine in London 9/25/23
  10. NecessaryOutlet.com 9/10/23
  11. SenocularMedia.co 9/10/23
  12. PlasticMag.co.uk 9/12/23
  13. JylaBlog.com 9/12/23
  14. Dulaxi.com 9/14/23
  15. PigeonOpinion.com 9/16/23
  16. MuseChronicle.com 9/16/23
  17. MusikEpool.com 9/19/23
  18. LostintheManor.co.uk 9/10/23
  19. GoodMusicRadar.com 9/7/23
  20. Mesmerized.io 9/5/23
  21. MusicTaste.uk 9/5/23
  22. Illustrate Magazine 9/4/23
  23. Indie Dock Music Blog.co.uk 9/4/23
  24. FVMusicBlog.com 9/4/23
  25. 1111cr3w.com 9/4/23
  26. TopmMsic.news 9/15/23
  27. ELnews.world 9/22/23
  28. ArtistiOnline.tv (Italy) 9/29/23
  29. IndieMusicFlix.com 11/12/23

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